Where We Go When We Surrender

Words By Avery Carroll


Verana demands your presence & for once in my life, I surrender to it. To the unknown & the uncontrollable. The physical discomfort of a new element is a challenge but often where the treasure lies. Hot, riddled with bites, surrounded by bugs bigger than my face, climbing a steep mountain in 100% humidity, a curious creature digging in my luggage.

In this case, I have found an ease inside me I have never felt, worth more than diamonds & gold. There's been an incredible amount of space to touch things, to appreciate their intrinsic beauty, even through their weight & pain. Verana has allowed me to give & receive affection, attention, to shine a hot bright light on my hurt, to allow the salt of the sea, the salt of my tears to baptize & purify me.

My moon cycle syncs up with the lunar cycle in Verana. My body has been prepping for this for months but it happened here, with nine goddesses, high on life, drunk off mezcal, skinny dipping under the full moon. Feminine energy seeps into every movement. I have never felt more ancient, more sacred, more divine.

I am doing the work the generations before me couldn't. I turn the bitterness of carrying that weight, the anger I've used as insulation around my transcendental power, into graciousness. I am well aware of the privilege such a task requires. I am a culmination of hundreds of years of vigilance & today, I am putting it down. No more qui vive.

Surrender, harvest, stillness.

Gratitude is the recognition of the unearned intervals of value in one's experiences. It's an overwhelming response to the gifts others give us to help us achieve & fulfill the goodness of this life.

I showed my soul & Verana saw it. I spoke my truth & trust & travel heard it.

image: Jo Savage


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