August Workshop: Poetic Language, Imagery, and the Magic of Life


Saturday, August 27th @10am PST

During this workshop, we will dive into poetic language and how it can be used to build worlds and add dimension and color to our written narratives. We will study seasoned and emerging poets to learn how they employ metaphor, imagery and symbolism, and the use of references in their own written art.

We will learn techniques to transform simple ideas into complex and romantic concepts, all while deepening our experiences of life. Through meditative inquiry, writing prompts, guidance, and collaborative exercises, we will draw upon our own senses of perception to pull magic, whimsy, and vitality from our lived experiences and imaginations and into our writing.

This is a generative workshop, participants will leave with at least three poems. It is led by Nkem Chukwumerije.

Nkem Chukwumerije (@naturallyfree123) lives a nomadic lifestyle as a writer and writing teacher, currently in Mexico. She works with writers from around the world through the wellness-through-writing platform she runs (, and through her writing coaching programs. More of her own writing, programs, and features can be found on

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